Cabbage Tree Corner Media

Remembering Dick Smith......

Richard (Dick) Smith was one of the "good guys" in Levin Motor Racing Club in the early 60's. He was involved in the communications side of the track among other things. He was a Post Office Technician and was along with others responsible for making sure the telephone system was working for all the big races- There was like a "Centre Exchange" at the Start-Finish line out to the various flag points which all had phones-days before radio telephones were available. Dick was told me as a kid seeing Archie Scott Brown road testing his D Type Jag and being impressed with this car-may have even had a ride in it. Dick and 3 other LMRC Members went to Canada and a few pics here show they went to Edmonton to the CAN AM races. Attached are few pics kindly supplied by Ann-Dicks Widow. Dick was instrumental in getting the Murray Carkeek book project to a finished product-Dick is gone but not forgotten- RIP Dick.